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Creator: Marcus Knight
Creation Date: March 16, 2068
Special Abilities: Diving Claw, Flying Talon, Wing Charge
Appearances: BG, 2097

Marketing Blurb: Built for reconnaissance missions by the famous designer Marcus Knight, the Gargoyle's power is in its titanium wings. Not only is this robot tough enough to leave and reenter the Earth's atmosphere, but it is dexterous enough to fly well below any conventional RADAR sensors. It has built-in sensor countermeasures, making it a company favorite.

If you ever DO spot a Gargoyle, it is certainly built to defend itself. Designed from a titanium alloy, its hollow skeletal structure is both lightweight and strong. Its most used attack is to grab a victim, fly it high into the air, and either slam it against the ground or into another object. Sharp talons, feet, and beak provide a secondary defense not to be taken lightly.

2097 Moves:

  • Flying Talon: qcf+P
  • Wing Charge: f,f+P (air)
  • Diving Claw: d+K (air only)
  • Scrap: hcf+P

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