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Match Record file (.REC)

REC files contain records of complete OMF matches. These files can be produces with the original OMF.EXE by using the parameter REC. They can also be played by using the parameter PLAY <filename>.

The file contains the information for two pilots, a match configuration header and then a variable amount of 7 bytes long event descriptors.

Header section

The file starts with the following block, repeating twice (once for each pilot).

Offset Length Type Description
0 428 int Pilot information block (See .TRN format for details)
428 1 int Unknown
429 2 int Unknown
431 144 char[] 48 color palette
575 20 char[] Unknown
595 1 int Has photo ?
596 ? ? Photo sprite. If previous field was 1, there will be a standard sprite here. Otherwise the pilot data will end.

Configuration section

The configuration header is always exactly 32 bytes in size, and contains configuration information for the match, such as hyper mode flag etc.

Offset Length Type Description
0 4 int Score for Player 1
4 4 int Score for Player 2
8 1 int Unknown
9 1 int Unknown
10 1 int Unknown
11 2 int Throw Range %
13 2 int Hit Pause
15 2 int Block Damage %
17 2 int Vitality %
19 2 int Jump Height %
21 2 int Unknown
23 2 int Unknown
25 2 int Unknown
27 high 4 bits int Stage (0 - Stadium, 1 - Danger Room, 2 - Power Plant, 3 - Fire Pit, 4 - Desert)
27 1 bit flag Defensive Throws
27 1 bit flag Rehite Mode
27 2 bits int Knockdowns (0 - None, 1 - Kicks, 2 - Punches, 3 - Both)
28/29 high 2 bits unknown Unknown
28/29 2 bits int Rounds to Win
28/29 1 bit flag Hazards Enabled
28/29 2 bits unknown Unknown
28/29 3 bits int Player 1 Power
28/29 2 bits unknown Unknown
28/29 3 bits int Player 2 Power
28/29 1 bit int Unknown
30 1 flag Hyper Mode
31 1 int Unknown

Event descriptor section

Event descriptor section starts after the configuration section, and continues until the end of the file. The descriptors themselves are 7 bytes long. There may also be so called “long” descriptors, which will be 14 bytes in length.

Descriptor format:

Offset Length Type Description
0 4 udword Current game tick
4 1 ubyte Extra data flag
5 1 ubyte Player ID
6 1 ubyte Action flags
7 7 char[] Extra data. This only exists if extra flags > 2.
openomf/rec.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/04 00:30 by aokmaniac13