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  1. Regarding maps and mapping: I'm going to do some pre-work on this, and ready tiles to setup all the dungeon rooms. This way Martin only need to draw up the dungeon at the end of a level, and should get proper squared paper for it. Saving some time in the middle of the dungeon.
  2. Regarding writing notes: Going to have to work with Fredrik on figuring out a way to take quick keyword/notes, that can quickly sum up what players have done, that we can expand upon later when we got more time. Among other things, avoiding writing up entire npc conversations that I can just provide copy/paste later on. Trying to save up as much time as possible.
  3. Regarding stupid lazy GM: Yeah, I'm going to remember to read up on the dungeon the day before, so we can avoid a lot of “uhm…. wait a minute gotta read up…”.
  4. Regarding distractions: I'm going to ask everyone to put their cellphones on silent mode, and put them on a table in the hall, as well as laptops, to avoid distractions to everyone. And instead try to be better at taking small breaks, so people can move, get air, and check phones. It's not the main problem, but it becomes very distracting for everyone involved. If waiting for a specific phone call or something, we'll figure out a way to deal with it.
  5. Regarding Roleplaying Characters vs Players: I want less “player chat” about what is happening in-game, and rather that players try to have their character talk to the other player characters about what they want/think/etc, if you want one of the others to flank a goblin, have your character yell it out. “player chat” distracts and creates much less of a roleplaying environment.
  6. Regarding taking time on deciding on actions: I'm going to rush this somewhat, basically if someone can't decide what action they want to take, I'll assume they're skipping their turn and spending that time thinking about what they want to do on their next action (realism yay!). Mostly to speed things up, and avoid one person holding up the entire combat. If the player is too surprised/chocked/unprepared for what is happening, chances are the characters is too.
joneirik/rpg/gm_5e_wygol_dishlist.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/22 07:47 by