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13 - Actions

Action Points

Action points define what a character do each of their turns. All characters, unless otherwise specified, have 10 AP. This replenished at the start of your round back to 10, so you can't save up or store AP's etc. All actions you do will cost a certain AP cost ranging from 1 to 10.

The Basic actions and the costs in parenthesis:

  • Move (1)
  • Disengage (2)
  • Attack (5)
  • Magic (2)*
  • Charge (10)
  • Run (10)

So during your turn, do an action, count up the AP cost, until you've spent all 10 or as close as you can get, then your turn is over. Example Move x2 (2), Attack (5), cast spell (2), Move x1 (1), total 10 AP, turn over. You can do any action in any order, and as many actions as you can afford after each others. For example you can use 2 Attack actions in same round paying 10 AP.



Basic movement, spend 1 AP to move 1 square. This assumes you use a battle grid, if not just use it as 1 inch if using measuring. This is affected by various terrain, so rough terrain will increase the cost of Move to 2 or even more. The Move action is very flexible, you can use it multiple times in your turn to position yourself as you wish: Move, Spell, Move, Attack, Move for example, be creative.


This works very similar to the Move action, it moves you a single square, but you ignore freestrikes in addition. You use this to … Disengage… from enemies in combat if you need to. Also often called “Step”. This is also affected by rough terrain etc, so you might not have enough AP to get out of sticky situations in terrain.


Your basic attack, use this action to make a normal attack with what you got equipped, this action can be used multiple times for more attacks. Tips, some enemies will use this against you all the time if you don't move around. Note that if you use two weapons you get two attacks, for each time you take this action.


Magic and spells might not all work uniformly, but in general casting a spell or activating a magical effect uses the Magic action at cost 2AP. Once I get the magic sections up and running, refer to those for details, and always remember to check that section to find what actions, AP's and such a specific magic uses.


WIP: Still need to figure out distance's on this, and how to create difference between characters.

Charge lets you throw yourself at your enemies weapon first, sanity left behind.

  1. Select a charge target
  2. Move in a straight line toward that target
  3. Up to a distance of max 10 squares (?)
  4. If you end in Melee with the target you've succeeded at charge
  5. Make an attack against the target
  6. If you moved at least 5 squares during the charge, gain a boost on the damage roll
  7. If you fail at charge, turn ends
  8. (Still subject to rough terrain and freestrikes etc)


WIP: Still need to figure out distance's on this, and how to create difference between characters.

Run lets you focus on moving fast and far at the cost of anything else.

  1. Move in a straight line
  2. Up to 20 squares (?)
  3. Then turn ends
  4. (Still subject to rough terrain and freestrikes etc)


Some traits will be able to ignore or modify how certain terrain effects work, but those will be listed in trait section. Eventually.

Combat Actions

  • Attack (3-4-5 AP)
  • Distract (4 AP)
  • Stance (2 AP)
  • Shake (5 AP)


Basic attack with equipped weapon, different weapons have different cost:

  • Small weapons: AP 3
  • Medium weapons: AP 4
  • Large weapons: AP 5
? Two weapon fighting: If you have a light weapon in your offhand, when you make a normal attack action, you can spend 1 AP to also make an attack with the off hand weapon.


Gives a target a penalty of -2 to either atk, dmg or def, to another character.


Using the stance action cost 2 AP and activates a stance of your choice. It lasts until you disable it or fail to do an attack in one of your turns. Only works in melee.

Stances are tied up to combat, so all the bonuses only activate the first time you do an attack in the same turn you activated the stance. And for each turn after that you must make an attack if you want to keep the stance to stay up.

The stance ends after any turn where you did not do an attack, or you can chose to end a stance at the start of your turn, or if you activate another stance.

  • Defensive: +2 def, -2 atk
  • Offensive: +2 dmg, -2 def
  • Precision: +2 atk, -2 dmg


forced action, to shake of various effects. Basically if you're knocked down, you need to shake to negate it in your turn. This serves as a place-holder until I can decide on how I want the system to work.

Combat Effects

Other typical things in combat that isn't actions.

  • Frees-trike
  • Cover
  • Back-strike
  • Knockdown/Prone
  • Stationary (Stun?)
  • Falling (2d6+10 +1d6/square)
  • Cloud


Have to decide on facing first, if no facing I'll have to reconsider how freestrikes works.

If facing the +2 atk and boost damage, triggers on leaving melee range.


Am I going to have facing ? If so how to determine facing ? If I do I want the default back-strike for +2 atk.


Catch-all rule for anything that gives a bonus for defence, will replace IK cover, concealment, linear object melee, etc. Largely want to hold it as an environment effect.

+2 def, vs ranged/magic

Or make it another subtype, and classify melee, ranged, magic per the terrain it affects.

Or make it affect all the time, and have negate by position




(2d6+10 +1 die per square)

— — —

WIP: To Do:

  • Expand on the AP system
  • More action types, like below
  • Figure out Run/Charge and any other distance on full round action.
  • Cost for Disengage, what it affects
  • Magic actions, will have to expand eventually.


Advanced actions, not yet implemented:

  • Special (6) - various power attacks like trip, disarm, etc
  • Distract (3) - various non attacks used to help allies, feint, aid other etc
  • Stance (2) - combat stances like power attack, expertise etc

Combat Reflexes, Spring Attack are already included in this system. mechanics for harassing enemy to force them out of AP's, free strike's eat AP ?

joneirik/rpg/g5_13.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/06 09:53 by