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Log: (4)

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There was no end to the surprises for you this day, not an hour after you've battled mechanical living creatures with souls in boxes, been part of an assault into these creatures base of operation, seen strange new warjacks, learned of a big cult of Cyriss, and watched the Captain slaughter prisoners in cold blood. The moment you think everything finally is under control the local police officer comes with every villager in town bearing torches and pitchforks, with three giant troll-kin's, and telling you that the entire island is part of the cult of Cyriss ? This is preposterous!

Before you can gather yourself from your shock, the Priest has walked up to the masses and is trying to talk to them, you're not certain but from the little you hear over all the noise, it sounded more like he was scolding them. Then the Captain walks up and starts talking, and you strongly considered the idea of bodily tackling him or knock him un-concious before he can make the situation worse, but decided against it largely because it would probably cause just as much problems to make any sudden actions or show weakness. Thankfully Sir Ronald walks up to them and starts talking, perhaps he can somehow calm the worst of the Captains insanity.

You don't hear everything they say and only pick up some words here and there, wondering how things will go you suddenly see the Captain giving away the Soul-Chamber from the large Cyrist thing we fought, and one of the trollkins destroy it. You feel anger rising up that someone would so casually destroy a soul like that, you have no idea exactly what happens when you destroy a soul-chamber, but hopefully the soul is let free as the Cultist said earlier. Those soul chambers should be taken back to a major temple of Morrow for study, so they could learn the proper way to send the souls to rest.

And then, unexpectedly, all hell breaks loose, and the Captain makes a hasty retreat backwards. You've positioned yourself in front of the others from the moment you saw the Captain starting to “negotiate”, and stand in a good position for covering the others. Ripoff starts shooting his cannon indiscriminately, that crazy trollkin Skagg shouts a few incomprehensible commands to us about not attacking the trollkin's and runs forward, you expect him to want to slaughter the toughest opponents himself and check your position so you can get close enough to help him if needed. One of the trollkin's with a big maul charges into you but somehow doesn't attack you, a bit flustered you attack back more out of reflex than anything, aiming for his head to knock him out but misses.

Skagg is still shouting stuff, you have no idea what he is talking about or trying to say, but it seems that the enemy trollkin's are confused enough that they don't attack you, so you put your own weapon down to show no hostility and walk over to Ripoff and tell him to stop shooting and wait.

The entire fight seems to just pewter out for some reason, and you make use of the situation to see if there are any survivors among the villagers that attacked, and see if you can't save them. It seems the captain is trying to “negotiate” again, which seems to end up in we walking out, and leaving everything else where it was, you're fine with that as long as it doesn't case more bloodshed. After picking up the rest of the drunk crew in the village the ship takes off with everyone.

Once safely out on the sea, the Captain calls you in for that “serious talk” he has been hinting at all day. As you walk into the Captain's cabin you can't help but miss your Warcaster Armor lying stowed away in the sickbay. But what he says shakes you to the core. “I am a man with many responcibilities and have to make a lot of unpopular decisions, I have done many things that could be considered evil and I'm not proud of it. Please help me, to save my soul.” You where so shocked you didn't even know what to say, but managed to stammer out something about yourself being inadequate for the task, and that you needed time to learn more, and perhaps to contact some more experienced priest then yourself for assistance and council.

As the day ends, your glad to see the sun settle at it's usual place at the horizon, one thing at least that has not been turned upside down this day.


While you personally are against the whole drunken escapades the crew participated in, you understand that they need it in their own way. In some ways you find it both humorous and enjoyable, they do get very lively when drunk, and loves singing songs and telling silly tales, and they smile unguarded while talking about things they like and love. But you're still going to enjoy telling them there is no cure against headaches the day after.

Alexei Ambrose, Captain

His horrible negotiation skills aside, the big surprise was definitively his confession to wanting to save his soul. You're hard pressed to know how to begin such a task, not only due to your lack of experience, but also to what you feel to be a titanic undertaking. You're going to have to research a lot on this, and you really want to talk to someone about how to deal with this, you acutely miss Father Joseph right now.

Kayla Stirling, Quartermaster

This woman keeps confusing you, she seems to dislike killing and fighting people most of the time, until someone tries to damage her steamjack, then she starts shooting down people in cold blood. Best to leave to her own problems for now.

Ronald Canterbery, Sir

You had hoped that Sir Ronald might be the one capable of tempering the Captain, and make him listen. But that didn't seem to work out very well. From what you did hear of his negotiations and bluffs you think it might have worked out better if the Captain wasn't there.

Kyros Alcyan, Nyss

You didn't really pay much attention to Kyros during all this, as so many other things went on. You did notice him dispatching villagers with efficiency, and at least giving clean swift kills.

Skagg, Trollkin

You're confused about this character, he shows every inclination for a psychotic mass murderer, and then he absolutely refuse to fight against those three trollkin's and even somehow manages to stop the combat from happening. You're happy he did, but you just don't understand him at all, does he value only trollkin's lives and feel no remorse for human lives ? If so, you realize that your life philosophies are going to clash.

Noj MacHorne

Despite second guessing yourself back and forth over what happened during these events, you don't think you could have done anything better. You where not the best person for negotiating with the villagers, your only option against the trollkin's would have been to fight, so even if you're not pleased with todays events, you can't blame yourself for the way things turned out.

On how to deal with the Captain's new proclamation you are completely stumped. On one hand you're happy that he has at least seen his own darkness and wants to walk toward the light, but at the same time it feels like you're taking a walk in the Meridan with your Armor on.

Ripoff, Ogrynn

Deegan Grady, Priest of Morrow, Morrow's Hope