Table of Contents

Chapter: Green Fields Village


Khaznad arrives in a human small settlement, having just learned basic common language he is directed to the a human that names himself “Governor Nighthill”. It seems the other humans respects him, so Khaznad assumes he is the leader of the group, he doesn't look very strong, so probably a religious leader or something.

The human is frantic and talks so fast Khaznad finds it difficult to follow, but he points and a giant structure outside of the walls with a huge cross shaped thing hanging on the side, calling it a “Windmill” and tells him to go there and help some “Adventurers”. Wondering what this is all about Khaznad asks if this Windmill is a religious structure? And what he should help these so called Adventurers with?

Before he can answer, a ragged looking group of humanoids come crawling out of a door, and the frantic religious leader focuses on them instead. They talk about fighting rats and fanatics, being taken prisoner, and making peaceful suggestions to one of the guards, to let her release them, so they could flee back here. Then they all go to bed to rest up. Khaznad takes the time to change into the shape of a tiny lizard and scout out the area to get familiar and find food. Returns at dawn.

Chapter: The Duel

Right after dawn, some of these raiders walk up to the gate at the wall, lead by a strong looking blue half-dragon, and four human prisoners. The half-dragon starts shouting and calls himself “Langdedrosa Cyanwarth” and claims to be the leader of these raiders. He challenges anyone brave enough to fight him in a duel, and if they win he will release the four prisoners.

The humans are frantic again, and the frantic religious leader is even more frantic than earlier. One of the human soldiers is screaming and shouting that he has to go out and save one of the prisoners, probably family but Khaznad can't quite make out the word.

The Adventurers come out of the building they've slept in, the frantic religious leader begs them to fight off this Cyanwrath and save the prisoners, they don't look like they want to. Khaznad says that it would be a bad trade to sacrifice one healthy soldier against four weak young and female that can't fight, and that the humans should cut their losses. The frantic religious leader looks at Khaznad as if Khaznad had sprouted wings.

Something Cyanwarth says catches Khaznad's attention, something about a Cult? Perhaps they have some knowledge about magics or rituals, perhaps even magic items? So Khaznad decides to try to talk to this Cyanwrath, and walks outside. Cyanwrath looks pretty big and mean, wearing heavy armor and a big sword, he starts boasting the moment Khaznad leaves the gate. Khaznad speaking in draconic asks him about the cult, and if they have strong magic or rituals, but Cyanwrath doesn't care and tells him to get ready to fight.

Looking at his gear, he will likely run forward and get to melee, so Khaznad comes up with a plan. He back away, while trying to cast a spell that will reduce the effectiveness of his armor, unfortunately Cyanwrath's force of will is too strong, Khaznad cast the spell a second time but it still doesn't work and Cyanwrath is getting dangerously close. So Khaznad tries a last gamble, changes form into a Deinonychus and pounces on Cyanwrath, but can't get through the armor. Cyanwrath laughs and slices Khaxnad twise with his giant sword, and leaves him bleeding on the ground. Walking away he shouts back that he had fun, and releases the prisoners before walking away.

Khaznad mostly ignores all the frantic noises that the humans make, and finds a bed, grabs all the blankets and pillows, and goes out to a barn an digs a hole in the ground, and stuffs all the blankets down there and goes to sleep, after eating a handful of goodberries. Next time, need a better plan.

Chapter: Meet the Adams Family

(Khaznad, Handsom, Optimus, Blair)

Waking up feeling much better, the adventurers finally introduce themselves, and you learn that they are a group of humanoids that work together to fight evil people and steal their gold. Khaznad is a bit confused what determines who is evil or not, and how stealing gold isn't evil, but it's probably more confusing mammal logic.

After listening to the frantic religious leader again, telling us that we must go and follow these raiders, Khaznad offers to help track them, and after gathering some provisions off we go. Mr frantic religious leader again talks more and tells us to look for some human called “Leo” something, he is supposed to know about the raiders. Khaznad hopes he knows about what kind of magic these rumored cultists knows about.

Chapter: Raider Camp

(Khaznad, Handsom, Optimus, Blair)

The raiders doesn't bother hiding their tracks and they're easy to follow. Eventually they walks off the path, and into the steppes toward a small mountain range. Once they reach the mountains they walk into a small canyon and disappears.

Khaznad suggests we climb up the plateau and scout from there, the adventurers looks at him as if he is stupid and wonder how they're supposed to climb that, so Khaznad explains that he can climb up with a rope for them and they agree.

So Khaznad changes into a giant lizard, grabs a rope in his mouth, and starts climbing up the side, but before he can get anywhere a couple of raiders appears from behind some stones near the canyon, and starts shooting bolts at Khaznad. Khaznad lets out a loud snarl and runs the other way, the other adventurers follow.

Once we're out of sight of the raiders, we climb the mountain-side and get everyone up. Khaznad and Handsom walks around as stealthily as they can and scout out the raiders around the edges. Then everyone retreats to a small forest further inside the plateau and rest.

Chapter: Sneaking Around

The next day we set out and use the plateau to walk around the entire canyon where the raiders have their camp. It looks very busy with lots of different forms walking around, but it is too far away for Khaznad to separate out what kind of humanoids there are and how many. On the other side we spot a small path up to the plateau we're on, and some stakes and people, so we decide to go there.

We stumble across a raider patrol, humans with kobolds. The others manages to convince the patrol that we're raiders from another camp, Khaznad is amazed at how gullible humans can be. The patrol walks away, and we're left with just the three guards and the stakes, one of them holds a human prisoner.

While some distracts the guards, the others find out that the prisoner is named “Leozin” and Khaznad recognizes the name as that human that the frantic religious leader said we should save. So we make plans for freeing him.

Handsom tries to distract the three guards, while the others tries to place themselves next to each their guard, and take them out at the same time by hitting them in the head with something heavy so they don't scream alarms. Khaznad hits one over the head with his shield, Blair hits another over the head with a sword, not much for subtle that girl, and Optimus tries to hit the last guy over the head with something and misses. The guard freaks out, and is trying to scream, Optimus tries again and misses, so Khaznad steps in and smacks the shield over his head and he falls down.

We stealthily removes Leozin from the pillar, and replace it with one of the now dead guards, so it looks like there is still someone there. Khaznad gives Leozin some goodberries, and the others take Leozin back to a small cluster of trees to question him. Meanwhile Khaznad decides to go scouting.

Changing into a tiny lizard and climb over the edge to the camp, find a big cave opening right next to the path up to the plateau and decide to look inside. But the inside smells very bad, Khaznad can't be certain, but the smell feel dangerous, he is guessing the smell is of dragons and leaves the tunnel. Outside he ponders trying to sneak into the tent that looks like it belongs to the leaders, but he spots some humanoid guards with large ears, and some other creatures sniffing around, and figures it is too dangerous.

Returning to the others, everyone pull back to the forest area we slept in last night, where we stumble across the raider patrol again, sitting drinking and eating. The adventurers decide to attack and kill them, one of them tries to run away with only one arm, but Khaznad changes into a Deinonychus and runs him down. Khaznad happy to find kobolds, finally some meat that doesn't taste horrible. And we rest.