Table of Contents

House Rules


Darkness and Vision

Light Spell

Change to light-spell to keep torches and other light sources relevant through the game.

This change should make the spell useful and a good backup solution in dungeons, but not replace a torch or other light sources. While still work for apprentice wizards to sit study spell books, scribe scrolls, and look at porn mags in the middle of the night, and also letting them get to and back from the toilet in the middle of the night without lighting up entire rooms.


Changing Darkvision so it doesn't completely negate darkness for players.


Giving Paladin and Ranger access to some cantrips, since they're the only casting classes in the game without.

If you want more cantrips then consider taking the Magic Initiate feat.

Identify / Magic Item


Ok so Identification system:

This requires a bit of work on my part, but each item will have a few clues that can be found using various skills and languages.

  1. Language
  2. Knowledge
  3. History

So if you find a Flametongue sword (Longsword +1 +1d6 fire) it will work like this:

  1. The sword has runes down the blade, in Draconic: “Bahamut cleanse this world in fire”
  2. A knowledge Arcana check of dc11 reveals the +1 enchantment, dc 13 reveals the flametongue effect (?)
  3. A History check of DC 17, reveals that this bears similarities to a sword used by many heroes of the past, and especially in the troll-wars for its ability to kill them with fire.


This is a simple language check, if you know or can read the language then you can understand what it says. What it says should be something like:


This is a simple knowledge check, usually Arcana but can be any other knowledge check that fits the kind of enchantment on the item. During a short or long rest, you can spend 1 hour trying to learn about the item and roll an appropriate knowledge check. If you succeed you learn something about the item.


This is a simply knowledge check to see if you've heard any rumors or tales about the item or similar items that might be relevant. This check is easier on more well known and less on little known items. Thus it is usually better on legendary items and almost useless on common items. It won't help at all against items with only +X enchantments.