Table of Contents

14 - Combat




Modular design, I'm making couple of things now that I know I'll have a use for, and add more as I need them. Keeps me sane.

Rough Terrain

General ability that can be applied to many different things, essentially any terrain that it is possible to move over but slower.


Anything that stops movement. Specific types of terrain can be ignored or overcome through some traits.


Depends largely on water.

Shallow Water:

Deep Water:




Light X

An item with this quality sheds bright light in X range, and low light in an additional X range. Item with Light 5 would give bright light in 5 squares, and low light in 5 more squares, allowing you to see a total of 10 squares. A Candle will have Light 1, giving bright light in the same square, and dim light in all adjacent squares.