


Human (Damaran), Male, Age 26, Noble LN, Kelemvor, Paladin (Oath of the Crown)


Human (Chondathan), Male, Age 37, Soldier LN, Kelemvor, Paladin (Oath of Conquest)


Human (Damaran), Male, Age 31, Sage LN, (?), Warlock (Great old One)

Log Session 2

Day 1: The aftermath of last session have the players reaching the village of Wygol, one wagon ruined, Roland killed by zombies, Gunther at the brink of death several times.

Day 2: Gunther wakes up in the barracks, where he has been healed up, slept, and eaten for about a day.

Roland been reincarnated, and is recuperating in the Count's mansion, in one of the rooms changed into hospital rooms. Still sleeping.

Otto arrived in the village a few days earlier, following a vision, that the Elder Being showed a slight curiosity about this new deity Kelemvor, and he saw a vision of two of his champions.

Gunther meets Otto on the way to the mansion, and agrees to have him join the company, before to head to the mansion.

They enter the mansion hospital room, where Roland wakes up, and discovers he has been reincarnated as a 20 year old Chondatan (human) woman. They meet and talk with the Count that explains that the wagon is completely broken and they've sent for a new one, that the druid that reincarnated Roland required them to do a favor in return and to seek him out, and that they could stay in the barracks until they got things sorted out. They leave with Nikolai, the Mayor and historian of the village that shows them around.

They find the store lacking in anything but the usual supplies and clothes for farmers, and the smithy doesn't have any metal to make anything that isn't used for farming. They're told by the merchant that there is a reward for finding two young adventurers from a merchant family that went through the area into a dungeon to the west.

They talk with a druid named Nathan that tells them to go search out a nearby ravine with a old ruined citadel in it, to find out about a magical apple. Which seems to be the same place where the younglings went.

Day 3: Waiting for repairs and fittings, resting.

Day 4: They prepare rations, torches, clothes, and fitting armor and weapons, and head out.

Walk west over old road, find the ravine, spots the entry, climb down, fighting of rats, rest.

Day 5: Push down to the citadel entry through courtyard, Roland fall into trap fights rat. Wanders into the Kobolds territory and meets Meepo, frighten the ever living shit out of him, but eventually get him to talk, he asks them to talk to leader. They go to and talk with kobold Leader Yusdrayl, they agree to rescue their dragon Calcryx from goblins, and reward.

They rest in an empty room near the Kobolds, and powers up. Then they follow Meepo around the back way to goblin territory. Finding room with fountain they can't figure out, and a locked inscribed cold door they can't open.

They trigger an alarm as they enter a hall filled with caltrops, and two goblins ambushing them behind cover. They manage to kill one, and Roland trips over the cover and falls on top of the other goblin almost kissing it, before three more goblins arrive from next room, shocked at the human on goblin action. But they managed to defeat them, despite some good goblin dance moves.

-game paused-