===== Open OMF2097 =====
==== File Formats ====
[[OMF2097 File Formats]]
==== Reverse Engineering ====
[[OMF2097 Reverse Engineering]]
==== Topic ====
Open OMF is a remake of a 1994 DOS game called OMF2097.
It is currently in active development by a team of hardcore fans.
The team consists of:
* [[wiki:user:Katajakasa]] (Core hacker)
* [[wiki:user:Vagabond]] (Hacker and reverse engineer)
* [[wiki:user:joneirik]] (Wiki maintainer)
* [[wiki:user:Animehunter]] (Hacker)
If you would like to join the team please visit our discord channel (https://discord.gg/7CPPzab) and add your name to this list.
We are currently recruiting:
* Reverse engineers specializing in DOS and Intel 32 bit ASM.
* Developers
* Graphics Artists
==== SubWiki: openomf ====
A note on the SubWiki and how to use it. The path to the OpenOMF start page is now: [[:openomf:start]], but every page inside the subwiki can be refered to with no paths (meaning no use of : as that indicates hard path), like this: [[omf2097_file_formats]].
==== External Links ====
* [[http://www.openomf.org|OpenOMF Main site]]
* [[http://www.omf2097.com/chat|Web-chat for #omf @ irc.freenode.net]]
==== Util Links ====
* [[http://katajakasa.fi/projects/openomf/cards/]]
* [[http://katajakasa.fi/projects/openomf/strings/]]