====== Tournament Rewards ====== [[start|]] Difficulty Heavy Metal (400 base points). No scrap/destruction (so no extra points for those) ^ -char- ^ -reward- ^ -bonus- ^ -repair- ^ -total- ^ -notes- ^ -base reward- ^ | cossette | 909 | 664 | 57 | 1516 | ^ 300 | | steffan | 889 | 620 | 99 | 1410 | ^ 500 | | milano | 1178 | 558 | 216 | 1520 | ^ 800 | | jeanpaul | 1328 | 1155 | 0 | 2483 | perfect ^ 700 | | lynnjarr | 1538 | 749 | 72 | 2215 | ^ 1200 | | ibrahim | 2048 | 360 | 401 | 2007 | 0health ^ 1700 | | shirro | 1721 | 688 | 118 | 2291 | ^ 1000 | | jack | 2389 | 700 | 220 | 2869 | ^ 1400 | | crystal | 2867 | 777 | 149 | 3495 | ^ 2000 | | raven | 5501 | 781 | 130 | 6152 | ^ 3000 | Compare to Easy difficulty to check there are no other score differences than difficulty value. ^ -char- ^ -reward- ^ -bonus- ^ -repair- ^ -total- ^ -notes- ^ -base reward- ^ | cossette | 908 | 224 | 13 | 1119 | Easy (100) ^ 300 |