====== Character Rules ====== [[gm_5e_wygol|]] ===== Books Allowed ===== * Players Handbook * Xantar's Guide to Everything Books I have, ask if you want something specific from: * Dungeon Master Guide * Monster Manual * Sword Coast Adventure Guide ===== Group Connections ===== > Stealing this from IKRPG page 168. The players have formed a Mercenary Company by themselves, it has just started out and they have ambitions to grow it larger. * Company Name: Kelemvor's Justice * Leader: (F) Roland * Marshal: (M) Gunther * Contacts: Church of Kelemvor * Contacts: Military of Damara * Bonus Proficiency: (Pick one for free) * Animal Handling * Medicine * Religion * Gaming Set * Musical Instrument * Land Vehicle Goals: * 1 * 2 * 3 Short background story: ===== Character Limitations ===== Races Allowed: * Human (Alternative) * Dwarf * Elf (Not Drow) * Halfling * Gnome * Half-Elf (*) * Half-Orc (*) Races Not Allowed: * Dragonkin (They doesn't exist in FR per 2/3E era) * Tiefling (They where optional in FR per 2/3E era, also I'd have to re-design them back to their 2E version) * Drow Elf (Just No) ===== Stigma ===== All races other than human will receive a Stigma, which defines how humans view and treat them. Based on their stereotypical perceptions of the said race or half race variant. This is a tool to help separating the races from each others in a role-play situation. These are not something I'll finish before hand, I'll make them as I need them, aka players makes a race.