====== MTG Tiers ====== [[start|]] Thoughts and write ups of MTG EDH tier lists, inspired by this: ---- ===== Official ===== Tiers * Exhibition * No mass land denial * No extra turns * No 2-card infinite combos * No game changers * Few Tutors * Core * No mass land denial * No 2-card infinite combos * No game changers * Few Tutors * Upgraded * No mass land denial * No chaining extra turns * Late 2-card infinite combos (Turn 7-9) * 3 game changers * Optimized * No restriction other than Ban List. * Cedh * No restriction other than Ban List. ---- ===== Game Changers ===== White: * Drannith Magistrate * Enlightened Tutor * Serra's Sanctum * Smothering Tithe * Trouble in Pairs Blue: * Cyclonic Rift * Expropriate * Force of Will * Fierce Guardianship * Rhystic Study * Thassa's Oracle * Urza, Lord High Artificer * Mystical Tutor * Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur Black: * Bolas's Citadel * Demonic Tutor * Imperial Seal * Opposition Agent * Tergrid, God of Fright * Vampiric Tutor * Ad Nauseam Red: * Jeska's Will * Underworld Breach Green: * Survival of the Fittest * Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger * Gaea's Cradle Multicolour: * Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy * Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow * Winota, Joiner of Forces * Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Colourless: * Ancient Tomb * Chrome Mox * The One Ring * The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale * Trinisphere * Grim Monolith * Lion's Eye Diamond * Mox Diamond * Mana Vault * Glacial Chasm ---- ===== Test =====