====== WvW World Restructure ====== [[start|]] ==== WIP ==== ---- ==== Terminology ==== Terms: * Team = The group of players/guilds on your side/team, basically includes World/Server/Shard, and is a common term for your team separate of which system is talked about. * World = Used to be the official word for "Servers" in GW2, with the move away from the old server system, it now just applies to Teams instead. * Server = Unofficial term for World, players have used it since they're used to use the word from other games. Nowadays it's mostly used to talk about the old system before WR. * Shard = Common term through most old MMORPG's for Server, interchangeable with the word Server. It comes from Ultima-Online, where Shards where the name for different servers. * World Restructure = The system that is used to create new Teams, by combining guilds and solo players. * Alliance = Been used for two different things. This is still under development and no information or even guesses on when it will be added, if ever. - Today it refers to a system for Guilds to organize together for WR, for all practical purposes a "Guild of Guilds". Would still be limited to 500 players. - Early on it was used to mean the whole idea of World-Restructure + Alliances as a single thing. But as things changed they split them apart to work on them separately. * Population = The total amount of players and/or player-hours on a Team. Notably this includes at all times of day and week, no matter what play-style, skill-level, or if they fight or flee or log out when there is opposition. * Coverage = Describes the concept of having players available through multiple time-zones. It's considered a good/essential thing for WvW in order to have players keep taking points for the team when the majority is offline. It's considered negative to not have players in the off-time as it means the opponents can take all your objectives freely and gain more points that way. Traditionally been the main way to win on points. * Fair-Weather = This refers to a way that players act/behave. When things are going their way, players will be enthusiastic and heap into the mode to enjoy it. When things goes against them, like they lose fights, are losing on points, have no commander, or get harassed by roamers or boon-balls etc, they leave the mode. This has strong implications on the moment to moment balance of the mode, and can be summed up as a Snowball or a Runaway effect. Win harder or lose harder. * Points = Points or Score refers to the core system in WvW that determines win or loss. Taking objectives, holding them, and killing enemies all gives Points in various ways, and at the end of each Skirmish each server gets Victory Points based on how much Score they had. * VP = Victory Points, see above. * PPT = The points you get over time for holding objectives. * PPK = The points you get for killing opponents/enemy players. ---- ==== How WR works ==== how wr works * counts up player-hours for each player * counts how many worlds it needs to divide these into * sorts player hours into guilds\solo * starts with first world and goes down to last * puts the biggest guild it can into that world * repeat until all guilds are assigned * (I assume it reverses order each time) * then fills the rest with solo players the same way * complete What wr counts * mainly play hours * the rest is unclear * they mentioned different things * we don't know which one they added * or how they weight them * commanders was mentioned * coverage was mentioned as something they wanted to add WR guild * completely separate from guild representation don't mix * on guild window there is a own button set guild as wvw guild * can only have one wvw guild at a time * once set it's done and you don't need to touch it ever again * unless you want to change guild * the next time WR shuffles * you should get placed on the same team with anyone else that also selected that as wvw guild ---- ==== What to expect of WR ==== wr-guild * allows guilds to play together * doesn't cost gems * is a normal guild * normal guild limit of 500 * new 6th guild slot free for this reason * can just make a new guild for this no need to upgrade * can be a pain to organise several other guilds into one new one * lots of inviting etc wr-teams * more random people/guilds, skill, coverage, each shuffle * more control over your own guild/group * more difficult to get people on discord/voicecom * (EU) different languages * still no control over fair-weathers (nothing new) ---- ==== What not to expect from WR ==== alliances * wouldn't expect it anytime soon, as in years wr-guild * wouldn't expect any changes or adaptions to guild system for this wr-teams * doesn't take coverage into account * doesn't take skill into account * doesn't take play style into account ---- ==== What players really want ==== ---- ---- ---- ==== Notes/Misc ==== social level of wvw/gw2 levels of interaction social as a skill why mmorpg is low social the casual play next to mmo: object vs asset, information, weak link Design of WvW roles taska points counters + Definitions of terms - What to expect of WR - What not to expect from WR What players really want: EotM + EBG+ PIP ---- what players really want most players today just want action + loot, they only care about activity at whatever time they're online, they just want "population" so they can play the style they want at the time they want majority plays wvw as if it was a WOW-battleground/Alterac Valley, more as a one-off session thing, and ignores the long term (24/7) systems (Score). Definitions of terms What to expect of WR What not to expect from WR What players really want: EotM + EBG+ PIP Population, Coverage, Fair-Weather https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/19675-world-restructuring-faq/