====== WvW Motivation ====== [[start|]] ==== WIP ==== Thinking a bit more about motivation vs leading server (while out training). and came to the conclusion that it's quite limited what you really can do without causing more problems. Example, adding a "Leader" effect, that applies to the team that is leading at any given time. Leader Effect: * Gain extra PPK from killing against leader team * Gain extra PPC (capture) from capturing against leader team * Improve chances to drop heavy loot bags from leader team * Gain +1 PIP from killing against leader team And I think that's the most that really can be done with that type of mechanic. I was thinking about adding 3 tiers, to discourage fighting the lowest ranking, and make leader go for second, but the more I thought about it, the more I honestly disliked the implications. For similar reasons I started disliking any other changes I could come up with to link to those "ranks". The main problem is that while a team might be leading, that doesn't mean they're the dominant team at all times of the match. So adding more stuff to that, or more ranks, would just end up making the play time more miserable for the players of the leading team outside of their prime time. And the goal should be to give Team 2+3 a reason/motivation to attack Team 1, not to make Team 1's game experience feel worse than it has to. So nothing else really made sense, unless we added a bunch of clauses, exceptions, and dependencies on Outnumbered effect and what not. And at that point it would probably be smarter to just solve things in different ways instead. ---------------------------------------------- gw2 player motivation chart types roam/gank scout/defend havoc zerg-low zerg-med zerg-high troll/afk Roam/Gank motivates action fight opponents capturing demotivates enemy-fleeing zergs boredom no-action Scout/Defend motivates repelling enemy predicting movement people responding to calls strategy/control of situation demotivates big zergs no response to call outs no backup Havoc motivates teamwork capture organisation fights demotivates zergs no-activity enemy-fleeing Zerg-low (pugs, casuals, low-investment in mode) motivates activity/action winning loot commander demotivates losing ganked alone/isolated Zerg-med (veterans, medium-investment in mode) motivates demotivates Zerg-high (organized guilds, GvG, high-investment in mode) motivates demotivates Troll/AFK motivates demotivates ---