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joneirik:gw2:wvw_wr [2024/06/25 01:12] – [Terminology] joneirikjoneirik:gw2:wvw_wr [2024/07/16 03:21] (current) – [Notes/Misc] joneirik
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 ==== How WR works ==== ==== How WR works ====
 +how wr works
 +  * counts up player-hours for each player
 +  * counts how many worlds it needs to divide these into
 +  * sorts player hours into guilds\solo
 +  * starts with first world and goes down to last
 +  * puts the biggest guild it can into that world
 +  * repeat until all guilds are assigned
 +  * (I assume it reverses order each time)
 +  * then fills the rest with solo players the same way
 +  * complete
 +What wr counts
 +  * mainly play hours
 +  * the rest is unclear
 +  * they mentioned different things
 +  * we don't know which one they added
 +  * or how they weight them
 +  * commanders was mentioned
 +  * coverage was mentioned as something they wanted to add
 +WR guild
 +  * completely separate from guild representation don't mix
 +  * on guild window there is a own button set guild as wvw guild
 +  * can only have one wvw guild at a time
 +  * once set it's done and you don't need to touch it ever again
 +  * unless you want to change guild
 +  * the next time WR shuffles
 +  * you should get placed on the same team with anyone else that also selected that as wvw guild
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 ==== What to expect of WR ==== ==== What to expect of WR ====
 +  * allows guilds to play together
 +  * doesn't cost gems
 +  * is a normal guild
 +  * normal guild limit of 500
 +  * new 6th guild slot free for this reason
 +  * can just make a new guild for this no need to upgrade
 +  * can be a pain to organise several other guilds into one new one
 +  * lots of inviting etc
 +  * more random people/guilds, skill, coverage, each shuffle
 +  * more control over your own guild/group
 +  * more difficult to get people on discord/voicecom
 +  * (EU) different languages
 +  * still no control over fair-weathers (nothing new)
 ---- ----
 ==== What not to expect from WR ==== ==== What not to expect from WR ====
 +  * wouldn't expect it anytime soon, as in years
 +  * wouldn't expect any changes or adaptions to guild system for this
 +  * doesn't take coverage into account
 +  * doesn't take skill into account
 +  * doesn't take play style into account
 ---- ----
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 ---- ----
 +==== Notes/Misc ====
 + social level of wvw/gw2
 + levels of interaction
 + social as a skill
 + why mmorpg is low social
 + the casual play next to
 + mmo: object vs asset, information, weak link
 + Design of WvW
 + roles
 + taska
 + points
 + counters
 ++ Definitions of terms
 +- What to expect of WR
 +- What not to expect from WR
 + What players really want: EotM + EBG+ PIP
 +what players really want
 +most players today just want action + loot, they only care about activity at whatever time they're online, they just want "population" so they can play the style they want at the time they want
 +majority plays wvw as if it was a WOW-battleground/Alterac Valley, more as a one-off session thing, and ignores the long term (24/7) systems (Score).
 +Definitions of terms
 +What to expect of WR
 +What not to expect from WR
 +What players really want: EotM + EBG+ PIP
 +Population, Coverage, Fair-Weather
joneirik/gw2/wvw_wr.1719299549.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/25 01:12 by joneirik