9-20-02: Finished Chapter 14! 9-9-02: Finished Chapter 13. W00t! 6-14-02: Finished Chapter 12 plus text version. 5-19-02: Inaccurate TMP Tournament Bracket released! 5-4-02: First version of Chapter 12, updated text version. 3-26-02: Revision 4 of Chapter 7, updated text version. 3-12-02: Revision 2 of Chapter 11. 12-23-01: Revision 2 of Chapter 10. 12-18-01: Revision 2 of Chapter 11, expect version 3 soon. 9-11-01: Cross-referenced characters section, minor continuity changes. 9-7-01: Another new chapter and the final name change. 7-17-01: Complete reorganization of the HTML version and character list; new first chapter; non-HTML versions get better chapter list and more ideas. 5-17-01:HTML version back up, with the latest updates. Look for the elusive Chapter Ten! 4-4-01:TXT version back up, with new, compact character list and special thanks section. 3-26-01: HTML/TXT versions temporarily down because of plot restructuring. Sorry. 3-15-01: Chapters 7 and 8 completed. Catch it in the DOC version. 1-17-01: The beginning of this page, with Chapters 1-5, and revision 3 of Chapter 6.
Read the Story
TMP is copyright 2002 Robert Marney (that's me, Robyrt). All rights reserved. TMP is available in three formats:
HTML Format: Read the story online, one chapter at a time.
Word 2000 Format: Optimized for printing, maybe not the latest version but with a lot of extra stuff.
ASCII Format: The OTHER half of the extra stuff, in a small filesize.
What is the Mantis Project?
The Mantis Project (TMP) is an OMF:2097 fan fiction I'm writing, but it's only tangentially related to the game itself. It spans the month of February 2096, chronicling the very first official HAR fights. It should not be confused with my OMF:2097 tournament of the same name, although it contains some of the same characters and storyline. I've tried to make it readable even for those who have no idea of what OMF is, so if you have any problems, just email me. And have fun!
OMF:2097 Backstory
In the year 2096, the world is controlled by mega-corporations; the largest of these is World Aeronautics and Robotics (WAR). Their biggest product, the human-assisted robot (HAR) is 30 meters tall and controlled by a direct connection to the pilot's brain. The latest marketing strategy for these robots is to have them fight each other in a tournament for a high-paying job in the company.
Although WAR produces a wide variety of HARs, the ones featured in the story include Jaguar, Shadow, Electra, Katana, and Mantis.
Trent Hawkins: Male, 25 years old (23 present years)
Quotes: "I'll conservatively estimate your chances as zero." "The wise don't come looking for trouble... fool." "Can't they ever send me a challenge?"
Appearance: Obviously muscular, with short blond hair; bony, angular face; bright blue eyes; a feral grin.
Personality/Background: Trent is genetically engineered to be the ultimate HAR pilot. After his escape, he devoted everything to fulfilling his potential. He is motivated only by his desire to be revenged on WAR for what they did to him, so he's never the life of the party, especially when casually tearing through opponents.
Fighting Style: Trent's only flaw is complete belief in his own superiority. He's not afraid to go on the offensive, since his "perfect mind" allows him to anticipate your every move. But slip past his guard once and he'll begin to make mistakes...
Attributes: Equal
Preferred Robot: Jaguar First Appearance: 2/13/96
Jonus Augardi: Male, 35 years old (30 present years)
Quotes: "You're good, but not good enough." "Prepare to learn from the master!" "For you, failure is the only option."
Appearance: In a word, stylish. An anime-style spiked, red-dyed haircut frames an otherwise plain, oval, expressionless face. Brown eyes hint at mixed ancestry.
Personality/Background: Jonus was one of the best fighters in the old Arena, and has established a comfortable career in marketing with WAR. He enters the Mantis Project to try and make a mark on a new sport. As a modest celebrity, he's self-centered and swift of tongue.
Fighting Style: Although Jonus always aims to be a crowd-pleaser, he isn't above using a throw or uppercut when he has to. He is constantly on the offensive with combos, and thinks blocking and evading is a waste of time. Only his superhuman speed saves him from defeat, making the masses love him even more.
Attributes (best to worst): Agility, Power, Focus, Endurance
Preferred Robot: Katana First Appearance: 2/17/96
Aidoann Traillieu: Female, 65 years old (50 present years)
Quotes: "May the best woman win!" "Wisdom and cunning always beats youth and vigor." "Tell you what, I'll win quickly and let you off easy."
Appearance: Hair was once platinum blond, is now white and close-cut; smiling, round, aging face; small green earrings to go with the green eyes.
Personality/Background: As a former colonization worker, Aidoann has plenty of experience with HARs and WAR in general; she's entering the tournament to give Operation A.R.T. a chance to get in on the top floor (see Marcus Faraday).
Fighting Style: A very defensive pilot, Aidoann prefers to let the fight come to her, giving her a better chance to counterattack with a flashy special move or projectile. She works well in a free-for-all, but when there's nowhere to hide, she falls apart.
Attributes (best to worst): Focus, Endurance, Agility, Power
Preferred Robot: Electra First Appearance: 2/12/96
Marcus Faraday: Male, 41 years old (34 present years)
Quotes: "I am the salvation of WAR. You cannot stop me!" "I think you're mistaken. This isn't the practice room." "I hope you know how to lose gracefully!"
Appearance: A young-looking Italian, with black hair in a ponytail and all the charm of a typical salesman.
Personality/Background: Independently wealthy, Faraday holds a job at WAR only to make inroads for Operation A.R.T., a plan to reform WAR from the inside and turn the focus away from HAR production. His strong will and belief in his cause has driven many to his side.
Fighting Style: Faraday learned to fight from Milano Steele, giving him an intense dislike for special moves and projectiles. He doesn't take risks, but his reliance on traditional fighting means he is virtually unable to adapt to his opponent and must hope the same few combos work every time.
Preferred Robot: Chronos Attributes (best to worst): Endurance, Agility, Power, Focus
First Appearance: 2/15/96
Eliza Laim: Female, 39 years old (33 present years)
Quotes: "I shall enjoy watching you die." "I've come too far to be stopped now!" "I will crush your toy robot with one hand!"
Appearance: Stunningly beautiful, of Asian stock; long, black hair; almond eyes; a dazzling, almost too brilliant smile.
Personality/Background: As Eliza Laim, she co-anchors the influential LBC News; as the Talon, she rules the infamous Iron Fist. Her history is fabricated, her medical records falsified, her every word a lie.
Fighting Style: Not a HAR pilot by trade, she adapts traditional martial arts technique to cybernetic combat. She often leaves herself wide open and foregoes defense and strategy in favor of a single killing blow.
Attributes (best to worst): Power, Agility, Endurance, Focus
Preferred Robot: Flail First Appearance: 2/8/96 as Laim, 2/14/96 as the Talon
Shirro Lang: Male, 72 years old (55 present years)
Appearance: Completely bald, the wrinkles on his face and twinkle in his eye betray his smile for everyone. Pale-skinned, with a round face and heavy, muscular frame.
Personality/Background: Shirro is the Head of Public Relations for all of WAR. Though Shirro knows much about what happens deep within WAR, he never takes things too seriously and just hopes things will work themselves out. Those who have seen him in martial arts tournaments agree that he is both incredibly strong and tactful, always smiling and shaking your hand after he beats you.
Fighting Style: Lang loves to use his formidable strength in the most efficient way possible, always going for a heavy hit or throw move. Unfortunately, he isn't fast enough to dodge attacks and must rely on his ability to make a devastating counterattack.
Attributes (best to worst): Power, Endurance, Focus, Agility
Preferred Robots: Electra, Thorn First Appearance: 2/5/96
Dr. Ibrahim Hothe: Male, 47 years old (39 present years)
Appearance: Probably of Indian descent, his most striking feature is his long black beard. A long, stern face with the typical black eyes accompanies a wiry body, growing a little heavy but still strong.
Personality/Background: A retired triathlete, Dr. Hothe believes in a sharp mind and body. Probably the best designer of HAR's, he has under his belt the design of the Jaguar, Mantis, and Omega 'bots. Ibrahim is considered a mentor by many of the pilots, as he is always seen in the docking bays making sure "his babies" are being taken care of. He cares little for the inner politics of WAR, but simply loves the machines.
Fighting Style: Hothe's knowledge of the internal workings of the HARs makes him a favorite to win. He often will take a few hits and then return fire with incredible accuracy.
Attributes (best to worst): Endurance, Focus, Power, Agility
Preferred Robot: Jaguar First Appearance: 2/5/96
Raven Menaza: Male, 25 years old (23 present years)
Personality/Background: Menaza is brutal both in and out of any competition, and has killed more than twenty people "in self defense". He greets everyone with the same cold stare, even Major Kreissack, with whom he is rumored to be plotting to develop a crack fighting force of HAR pilots.
Fighting Style: He's extremely aggressive, will stay on top of you all the time, and will move in for a throw whenever he can. He favors those special moves, mixing them up to combo you. Once you start landing blows his defense will crumble, leaving him open for some quick combos.
Attributes (best to worst): Power, Endurance, Focus, Agility
Preferred Robot: Shadow First Appearance: 2/18/96