Robyrt's One Must Fall: Battlegrounds FAQ

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This page is simply an HTML version of my BG FAQ. Current version: 1.54, last updated 04/13/03.
Your contributions are welcome; just email me with anything you think should be in there.

Table of Contents

  1. What is BG?
  2. Beta Testing
  3. Basic Walkthrough
    1. Making a Server
    2. Basic Movement
    3. Advanced Movement
    4. Basic Attacks
    5. Special and Super Moves
  4. Game System
    1. Game Basics
    2. Controls
    3. Damage System and HUD
    4. Basic Strategy
  5. Arenas
    1. Blade Pit
    2. Canyon
    3. City
    4. Desert
    5. Fire Pit
    6. Iceberg
    7. Laserball
    8. Pharaoh's Fire
    9. Power Plant
    10. Space Station
  6. Robots
    1. Legend
    2. Chronos
    3. Force
    4. Gargoyle
    5. Jaguar
    6. Katana
    7. Mantis
    8. Pyros
    9. Warlord
  7. Credits

I. What is BG?

One Must Fall: Battlegrounds (OMF:BG, or BG for short) is, as advertised, the first 3D online fighting game. Why is this important? Because to get a proper perspective on playing, you have to know what kind of game it is.

  • 3D: Range and dodging are very important in this game. One step is the difference between a successful throw and a horribly obvious missed throw attempt, and one dodge is the difference between a fireball and a free super for your opponent. Know where you are in the arena at all times.
  • Online: You WILL get teamed up on, attacked from behind, and harassed by projectile-throwing newbies. Know where your enemies and teammates are, and move accordingly.
  • Fighting: This is not Half-Life, nor is it Street Fighter. However, being able to combo, retaliate, and outprioritize is essential. Even a mage needs to use his staff sometimes, especially at close range.
  • Beta: This is not a "free game" for your amusement. Your job is to find problems (whether software bugs or bad gameplay) and report them (see next section).

II. Beta Testing

Sorry, folks, this section is for beta testers only. That's the whole point of having an NDA, folks. :)

III. Basic Walkthrough

OK, you're a complete newbie. You've played Tekken maybe once, and that was for the giant panda. You have no idea what the controls list means and in your first multiplayer game you got killed by the arena before the other players had a chance. This section is for you.

Step 1: Making a Server

First, go into the options menu and set the AI difficulty level all the way down, so your opponent won't bother you much. Then, find yourself a quiet spot to practice: start up a server, make it Demolition in the Desert on "turbo" speed, then choose the default pilot and the Jaguar robot. You'll have time to worry about the finer points of choosing a pilot and robot later.

Step 2: Basic Movement

Let's practice some movement. The arrow keys control your character: forward, back, left and right. (We shorten them to f, b, l, and r for readability.) Note that since this isn't an FPS, the arrow keys will turn your character instead of strafing.

Now, this is fine for turning or backing away, but walking forward is rather slow. To run, tap and hold forward. This is the fastest movement available to you, but if you get hit while you're running, you'll fall flat on your face. Practice running for a while; make sure you can get around the arena without falling into the mines.

STEP 3: Advanced Movement

Now that you're familiar with running and walking, let's get on to the controls. They're arrayed like this:

A S D F   or as we     LP RP E J
Z X       call them:   LK RK

These stand for Left Punch, Right Punch, Left Kick, Right Kick, Evade, and Jump. Try these out and see what they do. Note that although Evade makes you crouch, you can't do low moves. (They aren't necessary, as you'll see.) Also, your jump isn't very high. To superjump, press E+J. (The plus sign means to hit the buttons at the same time; you'll be doing a lot of that, so get used to it.)

Another nifty function of the Evade button is to, you guessed it, evade attacks. To strafe, hold E and left or right. Hold forward while you're doing it (keep holding all 3 keys) and you'll move in a circle. This is called circle-strafing; circle around something to get the hang of it. However, it's kind of slow, so for really going sideways, you'll need a dodge: l,l+E or r,r+E. (Tap left/right twice and press E with the second tap). If you did it right, you'll roll to the side. This is almost as important as running, and works wonders for avoiding projectiles, jump attacks, etc. You also have a built-in 90-degree turn while doing your dodge: just tap the opposite direction from your dodge in the middle of your dodge animation and you'll turn to the side. This is great for somebody close to you, since you can dodge and then immediately turn to face them. Try using your newfound movement capabilities until you have at least minimal control. (Don't worry, you'll get better.)

What's that little red bar mean? It's labeled "Stun", and when you run or dodge stuff, the light red part goes down. That's your stamina: if you're hit while your stamina is low (from doing too many attacks and quick movements) your stun bar will decrease to its level. If your stun bar is zero, you'll be unable to move until you recover: ouch!

In particular, here's your first task: See those green platforms on the edge of the arena? Jump on top of one (either jump forward with f+J, or superjump with E+J and then hit forward) and pick up the "planes" powerup on it by pressing E. You now hold it in your left hand, so turn to face your AI opponent and press LP (see above diagram if you can't remember) to throw it. Sit back and watch the jets you just summoned! Two sides of the arena contain this powerup; the other two have a "bounce pad", which bounces you up to the top of the pyramid. Get on top, pick up the nuke on the pyramid with E, and then blow things away. :)

Step 4: Basic Attacks

OK, you can run around places, you can superjump to get around places, you can dodge enemy attacks, now you need the fun part. Attacking. :-) Hit Esc for the menu, then add an AI bot. (Make sure he's on the opposite team; his pilot and robot are irrelevant.) Remember those four punch/kick buttons? Run up to face your opponent and dish out some pain! ... Ah, I see. He just sits there and blocks everything you throw at him. A very important skill: to block incoming attacks (projectiles, punches, you name it) just don't press anything. That's right, let go of the keyboard and you'll automatically defend anything coming straight at you. Now go back to your hapless AI opponent, run behind him, and start attacking. Notice that he (and you, for that matter) can't block anything behind or from the sides. Thus, if you find yourself taking damage mysteriously, you're under attack from behind, so turn around!

Now that you've familiarized yourself with your four basic heavy attacks, let's do some light ones. To do a light attack, hold forward and hit the appropriate button. So if you want to do a less clumsy version of Jag's RP, hit f+RP for a different, faster and weaker attack. Familiarize yourself with these eight attacks, then look at your 8 jump attacks (the same as on the ground: press a button for a heavy attack, forward + a button for a light attack). Of course, you won't be using all of them, but it's good to have them in the back of your mind for emergencies.

Once you know your basic attacks, you can start trying out a central concept of fighting games, the "combo" (short for "move combination"). These are attacks in a particular sequence that the opponent can't block or escape once the first one hits. If you're successful, text at the left of the screen will tell you how many hits you just chained together. Unfortunately, doing these isn't as easy as mashing buttons. For a simple one, get up close behind the opponent and do f+RK, LP. (As soon as your f+RK hits, press LP). If you did it correctly, it should say "2 Hit Combo". Why this specific combo instead of one more powerful? Because LP (your uppercut move) knocks the opponent up off their feet, it's called a "launcher". While the other guy is falling, he's completely defenseless, so you can hit him and add to the combo easily. (More on this later.)

Step 5: Special and Super Moves

Now that you've got the hang of some basic moves, try the most basic special move, the Jag Leap: f,f+P. Tap forward twice, and on the second tap press either punch button as well. If you do it right, your Jag will rush forward with blue trails. Notice that LP and RP make different Leaps: one fast, one long-ranged. The usefulness of this move should be immediately apparent: it gets you in close, it retaliates against blocked attacks, that sort of thing. Now get behind your opponent and press f,f+PP: both punch buttons at the same time instead of just one. You should do a red leap forward that starts off an impressive combo. Note that this also uses up one-third of your "energy" bar at the bottom of the screen, so it's a super move. Since it's a super move, it also has the potential to completely destroy the other bot: get him down to a sliver of health, then use f,f+PP (the Berserker Rage super) to finish him off. This is called a "destruction" and is accompanied by an immense feeling of reward in the form of pyrotechnics. :-) Since you'll often get in situations where you need a quick, medium-range attack somewhere other than directly in front of you, different versions of the Jag Leap can be performed by tapping l,l+P or r,r+P (to turn 90 degrees and immediately Leap) or even b,b+P (a backflip and Leap upwards, to defend against jump attacks). You can even do a Leap in the air with f,f+P. It's actually easy to remember this stuff, since your special moves (no matter which bot you are) see heavy use on the multiplayer battlefield.

Special moves are also important in combos (remember them?). For example, try adding an RP Jaguar Leap (f,f+RP) to your previous combo, making it f+RK, LK, f,f+RP. Of course, it's not nearly as impressive or powerful as your Berserker Rage super move, but with a little work, you can make combos that will severely punish anyone who leaves you an opening.

Unfortunately, most of this stuff is useless (and possibly dangerous) against a blocking opponent. To hit someone blocking, use a throw, f+PP. Throws can't be blocked, but they have very little range, so get right up next to an opponent before you try one. If you did it right, you should grab him and kick him twice, sending him flying. If you just do a grab motion, you're not close enough. Throws are important because they can succeed against an otherwise ironclad defense.

Now you're ready for some more specific strategy, covered in detail for your choice of bot and arena. Have fun!

IV. Game System

1. Game Basics


  • Elementary Movement: The arrow keys control basic movement on the ground or in the air.
  • Blocking: Stand in place or walk backwards (B) to block incoming frontal attacks. Attacks from the side or back cannot be blocked.
  • Running: Tap and hold forward (f,F). You move faster while running but in this state, any hit you take will knock you down and you cannot stop immediately.
  • Ducking: Hold E to duck. This will ultimately duck some attacks, and also picks up any powerups near you, including Force's charges.
  • Dodging: Press l,l+E to dodge left and r,r+E to dodge right. Pressing the opposite direction of your dodge during the dodge will make you turn 90 degrees in that direction after the dodge finishes.
  • Strafing: Hold L+E or R+E to walk sideways. Hold F while strafing to turn in a circle while strafing.
  • Superjumping: Press E+J to jump higher than normal. In BG, a superjump is just like a normal jump in all respects except height.


  • Last Man Standing: The last player left alive gets one point. Winning is calculated by the player's score.
  • Last Team Standing: When one team is eliminated, surviving players get one point and their team gets one point. Winning is calculated by the team's score.
  • Demolition: Players get one point for each point of damage they inflict on other players. Bonuses are awarded every round to the player with the most damage inflicted, least damage received, most powerful combo and highest hits in a combo. Winning is calculated by the player's score.
  • Team Demolition: Players get one point for each point of damage they inflict on the other team. For each point of damage a player receives (even from hazards or teammates) the other team gets one point. Bonuses are awarded every round to the player with the most damage inflicted and least damage received and their teams. Winning is calculated by the team's score.

Normal attacks will pass through a teammate, but special and super attacks can still damage them. Be careful!

Right below the score readouts is a readout (number of hits and damage) for any combos (sequences of moves that are guaranteed once the first hit connects) you perform. To see example combos for individual bots, see their respective sections in part VI. Note that once a combo has started, the attacker may use each of his moves only once and the defender is unable to interrupt the combo or otherwise avoid damage.


  • Power: Amount of damage your moves inflict
  • Agility: Speed of movement and attacks
  • Endurance: Amount of damage your bot takes, recharge rate of stamina bar
  • Focus: Recharge rate of energy bar, speed and tracking of projectiles
For example, a pilot with more endurance recharges stamina faster and takes less damage. Ideally, all pilots will have a total of 200 stat points, with each statistic having between 1 and 100 points. In this build, some pilots have more or less total points than others.

Each robot also has its own modifiers to your pilot's endurance and agility. With Force as a 100% baseline, here are robot endurance ratings, from highest to lowest:

  • Warlord
  • Pyros
  • Force
  • Gargoyle (tentative)
  • Jaguar
  • Katana
A robot's agility is inversely proportional to its endurance, but the difference is much smaller. For example, Pyros runs more slowly than Force, but only a smidgen more slowly. Warlord and Katana are still very extreme, though. Robots also have their own jump and superjump height. Here they are, from highest to lowest:
  • Gargoyle
  • Pyros
  • Katana
  • Force
  • Jaguar
  • Warlord

2. Game Controls

A: Left Punch
S: Right Punch
D: Evade
F: Jump
Z: Left Kick
X: Right Kick
Left Arrow: Turns left
Up Arrow: Moves forward
Down Arrow: Moves backward
Right Arrow: Turns right
Esc: Takes you to the in-game menu
Tab: Shows server statistics
T: Chat
Ctrl-W: Toggle wireframe mode
Ctrl-N: Toggle network display
Ctrl-P: Toggle profiling information
Ctrl-Shift-Q: Exits OMF:BG
F12: Take screenshot

3. Damage System and HUD

  • HEALTH BAR: This is the yellow bar at the bottom of the screen. You start with 400 points of life. When they're all gone, you die. There is no way to regain life, but you can lose it by being hit by something or by blocking a move that does chip damage (i.e. most special and super moves). The more endurance you have, the less damage each hit or block does to your lifebar.
  • STUN BAR: This is the red bar right above your health bar. You start with 125 points of stun. When it's gone, you become briefly "stunned" and can't do anything (even block). Standing or walking backwards causes your stun bar to increase. Being hit causes your stun bar to decrease just like your health bar. The more endurance you have, the less damage each hit does to your stun bar.
  • STAMINA BAR: This is the light red bar inside your stun bar. You start with 125 points of stamina. When you are hit, your stun bar instantly decreases to the level of your stamina bar. Performing special or super moves, dodging and running decrease your stamina bar by a fixed amount. Standing or walking backwards cause it to increase very quickly, up to the current level of your stun bar. The more endurance you have, the faster your stamina recharges.
  • ENERGY BAR: This is the blue bar right above your stun bar, divided into 3 levels (each of which glows blue when full). You start with one level. You gain energy by hitting an opponent or by blocking a special or super move, by standing on an energy recharge pad, or by walking over an energy powerup. You use 1-2 energy levels to perform each super move. The more focus you have, the more energy you gain with all of these methods.
  • SCORE READOUT: Three pictures and numbers are in the top left corner of the screen. The top one is your pilot and your score. In non-team games, the second and third pictures are the first and second place players and their scores. In team games, the next two pictures are the two teams and their scores.
  • STATS READOUT: In the bottom left of the screen is your picture, your pilot stats, your name and your team name. In the bottom right is the same information for the opponent you are currently targeting. (After facing an opponent for a short time, you will automatically target that opponent.) Your targeted opponent's health, stun and stamina bars will also appear above his robot.
  • COMBO LIMITS: Inside a combo, each move can only be used once. For example, Jaguar can do f+LP,RK as a combo or RK,f+LP, but not f+LP,RK,f+LP: the second f+LP will whiff.
  • COMBO SCALING: Each successive hit in a combo does less damage than the one before it - up to a point. The first hit does full damage, the second hit does 80%, the third 65%, the fourth 50%, the fifth 35%, and all successive hits 15%. This means that you should concentrate on making the first five hits of your combo as powerful as possible, and then tacking on as many hits as possible after that. This is why many of the best combos end with a big long super move: super moves often connect for 10+ hits, and at the end of a combo, you want as many hits as you can to eke out that last shred of damage.

4. Basic Strategy

OMF:BG is a new kind of game, and as a result, it requires a new kind of thought process in order to play it well. You can no longer focus on one opponent, you need to watch every one and every thing on the battle ground. Thus, being a skilled mover is the most important thing in OMF:BG. A player needs to position himself so that he can defend against (or watch) all of the players on the battleground. I've found that the "Defensive arc" is actually quite large, around 100-120 degrees. Which is to say, that you can block all attacks coming in from with inthis 120 degree arc. So a skilled player adjusts his facing and position so that the largest majority of near-by players is in this arc, at all times. This commonly means breaking off from an attack to reposition your self so that an enemy who is running behind you is back within this arc, this is where evade rolls come in handy, quickly moving you away from a fray and moving all your opponents back into your "defensive arc". Another way mobility comes in to play is on the attack, being able to move in quickly for the killer combo, still keeping all enemies off your "six". The ability to dodge is also an essential skill in OMF:BG, and the easiest way to dodge is to always be on the move; this makes you a hard target to hit with projectiles and it also make it harder to get around your defenses. Once again, the trick is to constently move and keep as many players as possible in your sight and in range to launch a devestating attack. Thus we see that the best OMF:BG players are masters of their bots' evasive and movement abilities. They keep track of every person on the battlefield, and keep as many of these foes in a place where they can dodge or block their attacks, as well as move in to make a kill. So, I have found that your skill in this game is not just your ability to dish out big damage (although it helps) but having a strong battlefield awareness and a mastery of your bot's movement.

Joining In
Learn to quickly spot those that are being attacked, and attack them from behind as fiercely as possible. A defender busy blocking attacks cannot see you coming from behind, nor block your attacks from behind. Learn to keep moving, and while moving keep turning to evaluate what's happening in the arena. Learn to make your shots against the wounded whom you can destroy and against the backs of others your most accurate. Avoid being the one to initiate combat unless you can finish the target, for you will almost certainly be hit by others that join in. But once you have joined in, do whatever works for your robot/pilot to inflict the most damage to the backstabbed target and anyone else you can immediately involve, an obvious target being the robot that initiated the melee. Remember, as it stands in this build, whoever lands the last hit in the combo gets the combo bonus, so make sure that even if you can't get there in time to melee, launch projectiles and hopefully they will combo. Pilots with either high agility or high power are favoured.

Pickup Confluence Some pickup weapons create convergence points, such as the pyramid in Desert. As well, the pickup weapon is highly desirable because of its power or uniqueness in the arena. Unless everyone is so busy that they fail to pay attention to that point, avoid it. Whoever goes there is likely to be attacked, and whoever gets the item even more so, as the item user cannot use the item in melee. However, some pickup weapons are spread out, and as such people pay significantly less attention to them, such as the 3 nukes in Pharoh. People holding pickups are likely to be rushed, because running away from them isn't likely to work well. Observing how the other players use and react to the pickup weapons and their locations is very important towards identifying good opportunities to join in.

Laying Low
It may sound simple, but getting hit gives others points, whether as in Demolition points or as in gaining ground in health in Last Man Standing. You do not want to give them points. Learn methods of running away and herding aggressors into others. Always keep moving, and while moving always keep turning so that you can see what's happening in the arena. In a Demolition game, if you are in danger of being attacked, it is better to jump into the water and escape their attention than allow them to combo you. Remember, your goal is to join in and backstab, not initiate. Know which places attract a lot of attention (e.g. nuke pyramid in Desert) and stay away from them until you spot an opening to join in or sniper. If the game is Demolition, remember to join in as much as possible in melee so that you can earn points. Sniper whenever the opportunity is presented, but remember that snipering alone usually won't win a Demolition match. If the game is Last Man Standing, fight defensively; use your throw (especially if you are a Jaguar) to hurl your opponent into the arena hazards, then run away so that others will try to finish him off after being weakened by the arena hazards. In Last Man Standing, points don't count, survival does.

Make Them Fight Each Other
This is much easier in a LAN game due to quicker and more immediate means of communication (read: yelling). Many of you who have played Chu Chu Rocket no doubt understand how this plays into Laying Low; time and effort expended on each other tends to be time and effort directed away from you. Note that this can be very difficult if you are the only Force in the arena, as most people are very quickly angered by its projectile antics, as you should know how useful and annoying its vortexes and bombs are when joining in melee. Run people into one another to make them fight each other, and call on their aid in order to defeat others. Be willing to take some damage if it will work towards vilifying the attacker and bringing upon them the wrath of the other players. Let the dark side cloud everything.

A Free-for-All is a Free-for-All
This method of fighting may seem evil and honorless, but remember, they'd do the same to you.

V. Arenas

1. Blade Pit

Hazards: Sawblades on edge of arena, 3 hits apiece; Spikes from bottom walls, 1 hit knocking you to center
Powerups: 2 energy spheres on top walls, accessible by superjump from top edge
Tips: Look for the red lights underneath each section of floor. Once it becomes a triangle, the spikes will trigger.
General: The Bladepit is great for small numbers of people, as there isn't much space to run and spikes force you all into the center section if you're not careful. Remember this and keep the pressure on your opponent; prevent them from just running. You CAN reverse the spikes, so use that to your advantage.

2. Canyon

Hazards: Cannons on arena walls, player-controlled with laser sights
Powerups: 4 energy spheres at ground level in arena corners; 2 cannon control centers on top of staircases; Individual cannon control centers next to cannons
Tips: Once you own a cannon, your pilot photo will appear above it. Be careful - even your own cannons will shoot you if their targeting lasers find you, although they won't target you. Pyros and Jaguar can jump from one top railing to the other using superjump and firespins/leaps. Pyros can also get up the ramps quickly: simply run towards the shortest pillar and sj.f+LK three times.

3. City

Hazards: None
Powerups: Energy sphere at ground level in arena center
Tips: This is a very basic arena. No frills, no stupid hazards, just nice big walls for your lasers to reflect off of, two recessed places to hide when plotting your next assault, and a juicy powerup in the center.

4. Desert

Hazards: Mines past edges of arena, hits dependent on distance to arena
Powerups: Fighter jet call (LP) on opposite edges, on platform accessible by superjump from ground; Nuke (RP) on top of pyramid, accessible by bounce pad from opposite edges; 4 energy spheres in corners of arena, accessible by superjump from floor
Tips: Always enter the bounce pads from the pyramid side, or you'll risk missing the top entirely. The nuke can be controlled with f/b just after it's thrown; the jets are instantly triggered on your target.
General: Desert is the most "stable" arena, and great for big matches. The pyramid is always a popular spot, so take advantage of this: Force players can throw meteors, vortexes or black holes at the guy on top, Pyros players can get up the pyramid with repeated jumping f+RP into firespin, and Jags can seriously punish players with an aimed laser or super cannon. Throw planes whenever possible, and since energy is free if you can superjump into it, focus isn't much of a consideration.

5. Fire Pit

Hazards: Super fireballs generated at arena edges, aimed by flying drones; Wall break damage at arena edges
Powerups: 4 energy spheres at arena edges
Tips: Where there's one fireball, there are sure to be more. Just imagine there is a scrubby Pyros player outside your field of vision and you'll do fine in this very simple arena.

6. Iceberg

Hazards: Water (instant death) past edges of arena, either open or behind breakable walls
Powerups: Cruise missiles on bridges in top area (top accessible by bounce pad in center); Energy recharge inside center bounce pad
Tips: Don't trust the bounce pad, as it will often bounce you into the water unless you time it correctly. The cruise missiles attack your target every time the red lights finish one slow/fast cycle, but can be turned against you (more on this later).
General: Expect to do a lot of running on this map, since there's plenty of wide open spaces and little in the way of incentive to keep standing. When possible, try to pressure your opponent to the edge so he can't dodge or retreat. While you CAN recharge your energy, make sure you've got a secure position before doing so, as you're asking for a projectile super in the face. To make an opponent come to you, activate the missiles and throw projectiles until he gets annoyed. To avoid the missiles, either run at full speed towards him (they'll barely miss you, given a modicum of agility) or stand under him about halfway between the bounce pad and the edge of the bottom platform so that the missiles will hit the bridge he's standing on while they streak towards you. To get up to the top without relying on the bounce pad, Pyros can superjump and firespin, f+LK, or f+RP. Be aware of throw-happy opponents, as Jag's and Force's throws will often throw you into the water.

7. Laserball

Hazards/Powerups: The ball (a right hand powerup) is in the center of the arena. Pressing RP will throw it until it either hits the ground and explodes, goes through the opposing team's field goal and activates, or hits another player and passes the ball to them. The ball will also activate if it is run to the opposing team's end zone. When it activates, it flies to the center of the arena and shoots a laser at all members of the opposing team. If the ball is outside the flashing line of the playfield and on the ground, it will automatically bounce itself back inside that area.
Tips: The ball is extremely powerful when it activates, so be sure to have at least one teammate with high agility, high endurance, and a Jaguar or Katana to run the ball to the endzone repeatedly.

8. Pharaoh's Fire

Hazards: Mines past edges of arena, hits dependent on distance to arena
Powerups: Fighter jet call (LP) on center circle; Nuke (RP) on isolated platforms, accessible by bounce pads on arena edges
Tips: Always enter the bounce pads from the center side, or you'll risk missing the platform entirely. The nuke can be controlled with f/b just after it's thrown; the jets are instantly triggered on your target.
General: The number one thing to be aware of on this map is mines. One dodge or firespin could mean a couple hits and a new location in the center, a turkey shoot for fireball-throwing fools everywhere. The number two thing is nukes; if you see someone fly through the air, you can either lie in wait for them as they bounce back with a projectile super or run to the sides to avoid a possible nuke blast. If you manage to get in the center early in a round, get back out as quickly as possible; later, when only 2-4 people are left, you can safely make a run for the planes and start throwing projectiles to catch someone off guard. Since there's so little room to maneuver on this map, Jag has problems using its superior agility, and even Pyros has to forfeit some damage lest it take a few mine shots itself.

9. Power Plant

Hazards: Moving drones with vertical lightning attacks; Wall impact damage
Powerups: Lightning strike (LP) on arena edges; Energy pad on center platform
Tips: One of the drones circles the energy pad, so don't stay there too long. Run your opponent into the wall repeatedly for massive damage (Gargoyle's throw works wonders here, for up to 25 hits).

10. Space Station

Hazards: None that I know of
Powerups: 2 energy spheres on raised platforms
Tips: Blah blah blah.

VI. Robots

0. Legend

f,b,l,r: Tap forward, back, left or right arrow keys
F,B,L,R: Hold forward, back, left or right arrow keys
LP: Left Punch (defaults to A)
RP: Right Punch (defaults to S)
PP: LP+RP simultaneously
P: Either LP or RP
LK: Left Kick (defaults to Z)
RK: Right Kick (defaults to X)
KK: LK+RK simultaneously
K: Either LK or RK
E: Evade (defaults to D)
J: Jump (defaults to F)
j.: "Jumping" (perform move while airborne)
sj.: "Superjumping" (perform move while superjumping)
,: Perform commands in quick succession
+: Perform commands simultaneously
->: Perform move quickly after the previous move finishes

Special and super moves are presented in this fashion:
Name: Command - Notes - Damage/Chip
A move does the "damage" value if it hits and the "chip" value if it's blocked. If the chip value is "ub" the move is unblockable. The chip values are based on zero block penetration.

Normal moves are presented like this:
Command: Description - Damage
Normal moves automatically have a 0 chip value.

All damage values are based on Gracy vs. Gracy/Force. These values are only accurate against Force; see Game Basics for more information.

1. Chronos

Special Moves:

Stasis Cone: f,f+P
   LP: Upward - 2/0
   RP: Forward - 2/0
Teleport Kick: f,f+K
   LK: Forward - 42/0
   RK: Backward - 42/0
Bomb Crystal: b,f+P
   LP: Long - 17/ub
   RP: Short - 17/ub
Stasis Crystal: b,f+K
   LP: Long - 2/ub
   RP: Short - 2/ub
Side Power Cone: l,l+K or r,r+K - 31/0
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK
Throw: f+PP - 21.5/ub

Super Moves:

Super Teleport: f,f+PP - 82/0
Super Bomb Crystal: b,f+PP - 50/ub

Normal Moves:

LP: Headbutt
f+LP: Left hook
RP: Uppercut
f+RP: Right jab
LK: Upwards power cone
f+LK: Forward kick
RK: High kick
f+RK: Short kick
j.LP: Downwards double punch
j.f+LP: Left jab
j.RP: Jab and uppercut
j.f+RP: Right jab
j.LK: Downwards powercone
j.f+LK: Left jumpkick 
j.RK: Forwards power cone
j.f+RK: Right jumpkick


LK,LP,RP -> air combo
air combo -> freeze cone -> air combo
air combo -> super matter phasing

2. Force


BO: Requires bomb charge(s)
VO: Requires vortex charge(s)

Special Moves:

Create Bomb: b,f+P - makes BO charge
   LP: Forward - 21/ub
   RP: Arcing - 21/ub
Create Vortex: b,f+K - makes VO charge
   LK: Forward - 37/ub
   RK: Arcing - 37/ub
Meteor Call: b,b+P
   LP: Long - 37/3
   RP: Wide - 37/3
Gravity Well: b,b+K - anti-air only
   LK: Short - 10/ub
   RK: Long - 20/ub
Reflector: f,f+K - hold K to extend
   LK: Projectile - 21/4
   RK: Shield - reflects cannons, fireballs, LP Whirlwind
Side Reflector: l,l+LK or r,r+LK - hold LK to extend - 21/4
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK - 20/ub
Throw: f+PP - 44/ub

Super Moves:

Super Meteor Call: b,b+PP - 45/4
Super Gravity Well: b,b+KK - anti-air only - 60/ub
Super Bomb: BO b,f+PP - 46/0
Super Vortex: VO b,f+PP - uses 2 energy bars - 69/ub

Normal Moves:

LP: Uppercut - 18
f+LP: Left jab - 14.5
RP: Two-handed uppercut - 36
f+RP: Right jab - 14.5
LK: Charge kick - 36
f+LK: Forward charge kick - 14.5
RK: Flipkick - 36
f+RK: Roundhouse - 36
j.LP: Downwards left jab - 36
j.f+LP: Left jab - 14.5
j.RP: Two-handed uppercut - 36
j.f+RP: Forward uppercut - 14.5
j.LK: Knee - 36
j.f+LK: Fake jumpkick - 0
j.RK: Flipkick - 36
j.f+RK: Roundhouse - 14.5

Combo Tree (pre-1100):

       /--> f+LP -> f+RP
f+RK --+--> Throw -> LP Meteor Call (downslope only)
 ^     |
 |     |
 \--+--+--> RK --+--> RK --+--> Gravwell -> Meteor Call / Super Meteor Call
    |        ^   |         |
    |        |   |         |          /----------\
    \--> LK--+   \--> LK   |          |          |
             |             |          V          |
             +------> RP --+--> Super Gravwell --+--> Meteor Call -> Meteor Call
             |             |                     |
             \------> LP --/                     \--> Super Meteor Call
LP --+--> f+J -> j.f+LP -> any jump move except j.f+LK
     \--> LP -> RP

3. Gargoyle

Special Moves:

Glide: f,f+P or j.f,f+LP - can be aimed
   LP: Slow - 9/0 per hit
   RP: Fast - 9/0 per hit
Downwards Glide: j.f,f+RP - 9/0 per hit
Talon Dive: j.f,f+K
   LK: Near - 59/0
   RK: Far - 59/0
Whirlwind: b,f+P
   LP: Projectile - 31/3.5
   RP: Tornado - 21/0
Scream: b,b+K - hold K to extend
   LK: Short - 26/3
   RK: Long - 35/5
Side Scream: l,l+K or r,r+K - hold K to extend
   LK: Short - 26/3
   RK: Long - 35/5
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK - 37.5/0
Throw: f+PP - 44/ub

Super Moves:

Super Talon Dive: j.f,f+KK - 71/0
Super Scream: b,b+KK - 44/11

Normal Moves:

LP: Wing attack - 19
f+LP: Left jab - 15
RP: Uppercut - 15
f+RP: Right jab - 26
LK: Overhead kick - 37.5
f+LK: Forward high kick - 15
RK: Double-footed kick - 37.5 
f+RK: Forward punch - 15
j.LP: Overhead hammer - 37.5
j.f+LP: Left jab - 15
j.RP: Uppercut - 19
j.f+RP: Right jab - 15
j.LK: Axekick - 37.5
j.f+LK: Short kick - 15
j.RK: Roundhouse - 37.5
j.f+RK: Double-footed kick - 15


  • RK/f+RK, f+LP, f+RP, LP, RP, f+LK, LK, dive / super dive/ super scream.
  • Throw, (f,f+LP), dive / super dive.
  • LP, LK, RP, f+LK, j.RP, throw, glide, super dive.
  • LP,LK,RP,f+LK,j.RP,throw,glide,j.f+RP,LK,j.f+LK,super talon.

4. Jaguar

Special Moves:

Jaguar Leap: f,f+P or j.f,f+LP
   LP: Short - 25.5/2.5
   RP: Long - 25.5/2.5
Downwards Jaguar Leap: j.f,f+RP - 25.5/2.5
Side Jaguar Leap: l,l+P or r,r+P
   LP: Short - 25.5/2.5
   RP: Long - 25.5/2.5
Backflip + Upwards Jaguar Leap: b,b+P
   LP: Short - 25.5/2.5
   RP: Long - 25.5/2.5
Concussion Cannon: b,f+P - hold P to aim
   LP: Fast - 31/3.25
   RP: Tracking - 31/3.25
Air Concussion Cannon: j.b,f+P
   LP: Near - 31/3.25
   RP: Far - 31/3.25
Laser: b,f+K - hold K to aim
   LK: Fast - 12.5/1.25
   RK: Ricochet - 12.5/1.25
Overhead Throw: j.PP - 43.5/ub
Backflip: b,b+J
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK - RP Jaguar Leap
Throw: f+PP - 40/ub

Super Moves:

Berserker Rage: f,f+PP - 88/0
Super Concussion Cannon: b,f+PP - 87/19.5
Super Laser: b,f+KK - hold KK to aim - 52/10.33

Normal Moves:

LP: Uppercut - 19
f+LP: Left jab - 15
RP: Spinning slash - 31
f+RP: Forward punch - 27
LK: Axekick - 38
f+LK: Hopkick - 15
RK: Roundhouse - 38
f+RK: Fast roundhouse - 15
j.LP: Uppercut - 27
j.f+LP: Left jab - 15
j.RP: Spinning slash - 38
j.f+RP: Right jab - 15
j.LK: Flipkick - 38
j.f+LK: Left kick - 15
j.RK: Roundhouse - 38
j.f+RK: Right kick - 15


! j.f+RK, j.LK, LK, f+LP, RK, LP, j.f+RP, j.LP (land), j.PP, j.ff+RP, ff+PP (20 hits)
! j.LK, LK, RK, LP, j.f+RP, j.LP (land), j.PP, j.ff+RP, ff+PP (156 damage)
j.LK, LK, RK, LP, j.f+RK, j.PP, j.ff+RP, ff+PP
j.LK, LK, f+LP, RK, LP, j.f+RP, j.LP, b,f+PP

Combo Links:

j.f+RK or j.f+LK -> j.LK
j.LK -> LK
LK -> ground combo
f+LP -> RK
RK -> LP (launch)
f+RK -> LP (launch)
launch -> j.f+RP -> j.LP (launch)
launch -> j.f+RK -> j.PP -> j.ff+RP -> ff+PP or b,f+KK

5. Katana

Special Moves:

Rising Blade: f,f+P
   LP: Short
   RP: Long
Side Rising Blade: l,l+P or r,r+P
   LP: Short
   RP: Long
Sonic Blade: b,f+P - hold P to aim
   LP: Large
   RP: Tracking
Spinning Razor: f,f+K
   LK: Forward - 29/0
   RK: Upward - 29/0
Wall Kick: f,f+J or b,b+J or l,l+J or r,r+J - 27/3
Air Wall Kick: j.f,f+J or j.b,b+J or j.l,l+J or j.r,r+J - 27/3
Backflip: b,b+E
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK - RP Rising Blade
Throw: f+PP

Super Moves:

Super Rising Blade: f,f+PP
Super Spinning Razor: f,f+KK

Normal Moves:

LP: Slow double slice
f+LP: Left slice
RP: Jab and slow slice
f+RP: Spinning slice
LK: Upwards kick
f+LK: Fast kick
RK: Flipkick
f+RK: Forward cartwheel
j.LP: Spinning double slice
j.LK: Spinning dive kick
j.f+LK: Forward kick

6. Mantis

Special Moves:

Slide Kick: f,f+K
   LK: Short
   RK: Long
Venom Shot: b,f+P - hold P to aim
   LP: Fast
   RP: Tracking
Spider: b,b+P - makes spider
Flier: b,b+K
Drop Spiders: PP - drops any spiders you're holding
Destroy Spiders: KK - detonates your spiders
Side Spider Bomb: l,l+P or r,r+P
Retreating Spider Bomb: b,b+J
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK
Throw: f+PP

Super Moves:

Super Spider Bomb: b,f+PP - releases 6 spiders
Super Flier: b,f+KK

Normal Moves:

LP: Double-handed punch
f+LP: Left jab
RP: Uppercut
f+RP: Right jab
LK: Lunging kick
f+LK: High kick
RK: Double spin kick
f+RK: Roundhouse
j.LP: Downwards spider bomb
j.f+LP: Left jab
j.RP: Forwards spider bomb
j.f+RP: Quick uppercut
j.LK: Downwards kick
j.f+LK: Short kick
j.RK: High kick
j.f+RK: Roundhouse

7. Pyros

Special Moves:

Fire Spin: f,f+P or j.f,f+P
   LP: Stationary - 40/3
   RP: Forward - 46/5
Side Fire Spin: l,l+P or r,r+P
   LP: Short - 40/3
   RP: Long - 46/5
Fireball: b,f+P - hold P to aim
   LP: Fast - 21.2/3.33
   RP: Tracking - 21.2/3.33
Flame Thrower: b,b+P
   LP: Upwards - 44/1
   RP: Forwards - 44/4
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK - RP Fire Spin
Throw: f+PP - 40/ub

Super Moves:

Super Fire Spin: f,f+PP or j.f,f+PP - 73/11
Super Fireball: b,f+PP - 47/ub
Super Flame Thrower: b,b+PP - 93/10

Normal Moves:

LP: Flame burst - 19
f+LP: Left jab - 19
RP: Charge punch - 46
f+RP: Right jab - 19
LK: Flipkick (launcher) - 23.5
f+LK: Upward flipkick (launcher) - 19
RK: Diving kick - 46
f+RK: Punt kick - 19
j.LP: Forward flames - 46
j.f+LP: Diving punch - up to 32
j.RP: Downward flames - 46
j.f+RP: Short diving punch - 19
j.LK: Diving kick - 46
j.f+LK: Flipkick (launcher) - 19
j.RK: Roundhouse - 46
j.f+RK: Small diving kick - 19

Combo Tree (pre-1100):

                     j.LK -> j.LK  RK  RP --> f+RK  j.LP
                               |    |   |      |     |
                    LK <-------+----+---+------+-----/
  Firespin/    <-----+----> RK -> LK -> Firespin
super firespin       |
                     \----> f+RK -> LK -> f+RK -> LK -> f+RK

Throw --> j.f+LP
   \--> RP Firespin

8. Warlord


   MI: Uses missile arm(s)
   GR: Uses grenade arm(s)
   CL: Uses claw arm(s)
   MA: Uses mace arm(s)

Special Moves:

Missile Arm: f,f+K - changes arm to MI
   LK: left arm
   RK: right arm
   KK: both arms
Grenade Arm: b,b+K - changes arm to GR
   LK: left arm
   RK: right arm
   KK: both arms
Claw Arm: l,l+K - changes arm to CL
   LK: left arm
   RK: right arm
   KK: both arms
Mace Arm: r,r+K - changes arm to MA
   LK: left arm
   RK: right arm
   KK: both arms
Missile: MI b,f+P - hold P to aim
   LP: fast - 37/5
   RP: tracking - 37/5
Grenade: GR b,f+P - hold P to aim - 15/ub
Claw Grab: CL f,f+P
   LP: throw backwards - 52.5/ub
   RP: throw forwards - 52.5/ub
Left Claw Grab: CL l,l+LP - 52.5/ub
Right Claw Grab: CL r,r+RP - 52.5/ub
Reverse Claw Grab: CL b,b+P
   LP: throw backwards - 52.5/ub
   RP: throw forwards - 52.5/ub
Mace Rush: MA f,f+LP - 46/5.25
Earthquake Smash: MA f,f+RP - 31.25/ub
Left Shoulder Ram: l,l+P - 36/0 - RP only with left claw
Right Shoulder Ram: r,r+P - 36/0 - LP only with right claw
Counter Attack: LP+LK or RP+RK - 19/0

Super Moves:

Super Missile: MI b,f+PP - 51/9
Super Grenade: GR b,f+PP - 36/ub
Super Mace: MA f,f+PP - 67/ub

Normal Moves:

LP: Left swipe  - 53
f+LP: Left jab - 19
RP: Overhead strike - 53
f+RP: Downward punch - 19
LK: Double-footed kick - 53
f+LK: Forward shoulder ram - 19
RK: Stomp - 39
f+RK: Punt kick - 19

VII. Credits

  • Diversions Entertainment: The game itself, which is their copyright.
  • Judy Elam: Bug reporting
  • Katana: Basic strategy
  • Relnah: Error checking, Jag strategy in TXT version
  • Spockmeat: Pyros strategy in TXT version, training dummy
  • Spoony: Basic strategy
  • X-BoT: Error checking
  • Kyrexus: Move formatting ideas
  • Robyrt: Everything else. (In fact, this FAQ is copyright (c) 2003 Robert Marney. All rights reserved.)